Massage therapy is a form of bodywork that is used to improve function within the body. By using their hands in a variety of different techniques to Increases flexibility and strength of joints.
Physiotherapists also study a wide variety of treatment techniques, and continue to do so throughout their career. Aenean semper nunc nunc, et feugiat ex pretium uuisque id tortor finibus leo commodo vulputate. Fusce lacinia fringilla nisi, quis dapibus justo scelerorbi euismod consectetur orci sed pulvinaruspendisse apienauris suscipit mattis eros.
- Relieves muscular tension and relaxes muscles spasms.
- Improves circulation and blood flow to bring fresh oxygen to the tissues
- Promotes overall healing and well-being.
- Increases flexibility and strength of joints.
- Decreased pain sensitivity.
- Strengthens the immune system

Sports Massage
The focus is less on relaxation, and more on injury prevention and treatment, stretching and flexibility.
Thai Massage
Therapist will apply pressure to specific points on the body to promote the flow of energy through out the body.